Eric Dier gets the quarterfinals of England – 2018 World Cup


England assured its presence in the quarter-finals on Tuesday by imposing 4-3 in the penalty shoot-out against Colombia and after conceding a draw 1-1 in the (90) + 3 & # 39;).

In a balanced match, both teams were cautious. Goals came only in the second half. The English took advantage by Harry Kane (6 goals in the race) as a result of a penalty, made childishly by Carlos Sánchez who grabbed Kane shamelessly.

The British tried to control the game, but the irreverence of the Colombians created some problems.

In the stretch, the teams were respected and in penáltis the Colombians were in advantage (Henderson failed), but the mishaps of Uribe and Bacca dictated defeat.

Former sportsman Eric Dier scored the decisive goal.

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