Facebook announced Friday (20) the temporary suspension of Crimson Hexagon services related to the social network. The activities of the British specialized in data analysis will be interrupted while Facebook is studying whether there has been misuse of user data for other purposes, such as l & # 39; Evaluation of public opinion on candidates or other political questions
. recent conviction of Facebook by Cambridge Analytica. Facebook's vice president of product partnerships, Ime Archibong, said in a press release that he was investigating whether Crimson Hexagon had violated social media policies.
Crimson Hexagon claims that it collects exclusively data from public publications, accessible to all, so that they can apply their own intelligence technology and extract the results for analysis. In addition, until now, there is no evidence of Crimson Hexagon's relationship with other companies that operate "under covers", such as Cambridge Analytica.
It is also important to note that Crimson Hexage co-founder Gary King is also the author of this book. responsible for Facebook's new social science initiative. Although the executive has denied any involvement in the daily activities of the company, it will likely be included in the surveys.
Source: TechCrunch
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