Fernando Medina "very worried" with the situation at Lisbon airport


The mayor of Lisbon on Tuesday expressed "very concerned" at the situation at the Humberto Delgado airport, considering that "it affects" the image of the country and the city in terms of Tourism "As we had planned, the airport is in a state of exhaustion," said Fernando Medina (PS) during the House interrogation session that took place at the Municipal Assembly


In the opinion of the mayor, "this situation results, first, from an absurd decision, taken by a pure ideological prejudice against public investment at the time from the previous government [PSD/CDS-PP] when it was considered that the expansion of airport capacity was basically an excess, a reverie of socialist governance. "

" And unfortunately, over the years, we have not been able to do anything. we have not seen the decisions that were MPO to prevent us from reaching the point we reached. "I am convinced that the situation will get worse before we know any improvements," said the Socialist.

The Chief Executive of the capital said the concerns were about job losses, investment, income and opportunities for families, for young people, for all those who need a job and an economic activity. "

" And we, with the airport situation, block these opportunities for economic development, "he said, noting that the" malfunctioning airport infrastructure "is" resulting in negative impacts on the image of the city and the country ".

In response to a question posed by the PCP municipal group, Fernando Medina pointed out that "the succession of delays, delays, cancellations of flights, hours late in the controls inside the # 39; airport affect the image of the country, affect the image of tourism in the city of Lisbon and "

" I strengthen the call, the demand of the city of Lisbon so that the necessary decisions can be made quickly, "he said, pulling:" I insist, tomorrow we are late for these decisions "

Regarding the possibility of increased night flights, the mayor of the capital rejected this option, arguing that "every time we talk about this enlargement, we are not talking about a contribution from the city of Lisbon, to give up some of their well-being for a transient and temporary solution, "but" what is put on the table is like the only solution that d & # 3 9, other entities really problem. "

" I do not agree that it should be put on the table that the adjustment variable must be the welfare of the Lisbonites, "he said, stating that the municipality that he will lead "will always be part of the solution" "

At the meeting, PAN questioned the Lisbon House on participatory budgeting, and the Finance Council member argued that" on 120 projects that were approved until the 2017 edition "[este] the last," about 32 are in the study, 55 are completed, six are under construction, eight are delegated to the boards parishes, 10 are under contract and eight are in the process of execution. "

These are "figures that do not completely satisfy" the advisor, who promised to "make some adjustments" to "in the next two years" to return to the normal rhythm of the execution of the winning proposals [19659013] [ad_2]
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