Fidelity Tenants ask about the sale of houses to companies with a capital of 100 euros – Observer


The four joint stock companies that offer to pay 425 million euros for a number of Fidelidade insurance company homes were created in Madeira, from where they recently transferred their headquarters in Lisbon, and have a capital of 100 euros each. At stake are 2,085 residential fractions and, according to new advances by the public, the buyer will be the Apollo fund through the company's vehicle. These companies, according to the newspaper, will have made changes to the statutes and the appointment of legal persons, all of whom have joint managers with their address in Luxembourg.

Additional information on a company that does not get rid of the controversy, the insurer to sell assets in various parts of the country, including Lisbon and Porto, without giving tenants the opportunity to. exercise pre-emption rights over the fractions in which they reside.

The decision was communicated to the tenants by the seller, Fidelidade Property, but the conditions under which they could exercise that right implied, for the horizontal properties (divided into fractions), that the purchase had been made en bloc for a value of 425 million.

It is precisely because of this model that he has expressed reservations about the fact that at least one preliminary injunction has been filed, calling into question the indivisibility of the proposed assets for sale or even a scenario in which a number of tenants can exercise the option of buying residential units.

These doubts also concern the ability of the companies concerned to assume future commitments in relation to assets acquired, but also in relation to the assets acquired. to possible conflicts. Something the contract itself predicted, the newspaper said, "specifically to the seller, Fidelidade, any liability for future litigation."

Recall that Fidelidade has put up for sale the majority of its real estate assets by the end of 2017, including the residential and non-residential portion, with four interested parties. On April 12, the insurer concluded its contract with Apollo and, on June 26, the Competition Authority announced via its portal the transaction. Interested parties had until July 3 to comment on the operation. The four companies that now seem interested, according to the identification made by Fidelidade Property are Notablecategory, Fragranstrategy, Meritpanorama, and Neptunecategory, all of limited liability (only respond to assets held).