Financial assets of the immediate banking risk fall to 72.7 billion


The international financial assets of Portuguese banks, in terms of immediate risk, amounted to 72.7 billion euros in the first quarter, or 2.7 billion euros less than In the last quarter of 2017, the Bank reported.

According to international banking statistics on a consolidated basis, based on the risk of last resort, in the first quarter of this year, "Portuguese banks held 74.5 billion euros of international financial assets, "

Compared to the previous year, there was a decrease of 2.8 billion euros.

The difference between the two approaches to risk (1.8 billion) represents a transfer Portugal's net foreign risk, ie "corresponds to the banks' assets in resident entities but which are ultimately guaranteed by entities that do not reside

According to the information disclosed , the ultimate risk exposure to Member States of the European Union and the BRICS [Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul] remained higher than the immediate risk exposure.

19659002] "Conversely, with respect to the PALOP [Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa] Portuguese banks had a greater exposure to immediate risk than to the risk of last resort: part of the assets they held on entities residing in PALOP was guaranteed by entities not residing in this group of countries ", according to the Bank of Portugal

The immediate risk approach refers to exposure to the countries of residence of the agents with whom the bank has concluded the contract directly and who have immediate responsibility in front of the bank

On the other hand, the risk of last resort refers to the exposure to the countries where the agents who guarantee the Execution of the contract, replacing the entity with which (19659011) [fonction (d, s, id)] which results from the existence of guarantees provided by a third party.