Fortnite made 273 million euros … in just one month!


The explosive growth phase of Fortnite is over, but it's still an extremely lucrative game!

Apparently nothing can stop the & # 39; Hype & # 39; of "Fortnite: Battle Royale"!

The monthly report of the site 'SuperData Arcade & # 39; says that the game has reached a new maximum of revenue, but that growth has already been achieved, it is a genuine folly a game 'free & # 39; to get a sum of money of this size in a month! found in a descending phase:

  • "Fortnite reached a historical high in May! We estimate that it has reached about $ 318 million on all platforms, up 7% from the previous month Most of the growth comes from the console segment, with the mobile side and PC remaining the same as revenue. "

This result indicates that Fortnite is making more than $ 10 million a day!

The launch of a Saturday rocket opened a series of cracks in the Fortnite map

Fortnite map revealed changes in the last days! Maybe they're not cracks, they're portals!

So we will try to understand what could happen in the future with popular theories

We do not know the consequences of this, Fortnite "width =" 640 "height =" 1098 " srcset = " 640w, 2018/07 / dzLmEq5qc06WlvnuI4OMy-_aMxtSiZ6bw1IgErVy94-44×75.jpg 44w,×600.jpg 350w "sizes =" (max- width: 640px) 100vw, 640px "/>

A Fortnite player decided to go to Reddit with a very scientific explanation to explain what could happen in the next few days.

Indicating the existence of failures in the <img class = "size-large wp-image-81434 aligncenter" src = " -0-36408200-1530539633-730× g "alt ="

There are some theories, which have been added to the output of the set of "Hardboiled Skins", in which all the characters look like classic private detectives.

Epic Games also tweet this:

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