Funchal City Council calls for saving water


On Wednesday, the city council of Funchal called on all residents to pay special attention to their water expenses during this time of year, after a particularly dry winter.

"By saving water, citizens will not only help the environment, but also avoid unnecessary expenses and, above all, prevent part of the population from being hit by peak consumption. typical summer without supplies, "said the local authority. in a statement.

The Municipality of Funchal therefore recommends to the whole population to adopt 10 behaviors that can make all the difference:

1. Take shorter baths;

2. Shut off the faucet by soaking the shower, brushing your teeth or washing dishes;

3. Use water flow control faucets or install flow reduction devices, also in the shower;

4. Use washing machines only when they are full.

5. Do not wash dishes, assemble and wash once or twice a day. Use as little detergent as possible for effective washing, which will reduce the amount of water needed to rinse dishes;

6. Avoid using a hose in the yard or washing the car by cleaning dry outdoor floors, for example by sweeping;

7. Avoid unnecessary toilet flushing in the toilet, remember that it is not a garbage can. Each discharge consumes about 10 liters of water;

8. Water the garden early in the morning or early evening when evaporation is lower;

9. Keep the plumbing in good condition: call a plumber if the faucets do not stop flowing or if there is a break;

10. If you detect a water leak in a public area, contact the Town Hall immediately.

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