Gabriel in his serene beginnings – Benfica


Gabriel, a Leganés player who is being negotiated by Benfica, yesterday made the first minutes of the season, in the 3-0 win, especially against Rayo Majadahonda. was reinstated in the team's training on Wednesday. , after being fired for having demonstrated his willingness to go to Luz, and participated in the first 45 minutes of the match, where the former Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane was present – his son Enzo plays in the Majadahonda Lightning

Gabriel had a steady and unhurried performance, all the more so that he was spared by the fans, after the coach Mauricio Pellegrino had put him aside . However, this does not indicate that continuity is guaranteed. In fact, the first game of the season could even have been the last in Spain, since the incarnated intend to complete the negotiations and secure the Portuguese-Brazilian milieu. ) {
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