GDP per capita in Portugal will exceed the OECD average


Portugal's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita will increase by 75.15% by 2060, a rate above the OECD average of 69.97%, according to a published study Thursday by the organization.

In a very long-term prospective report, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimates that the highest growth in GDP per capita (wealth per person) by 2060 is occurring in Turkey (115.25%), Slovakia (90.14%), Ireland (84.05%), the Czech Republic (84.41%), Israel (83.90%), Latvia , 88%) and Mexico (

Less than the increase in Portugal, but above the OECD average, the organization predicts an increase in GDP per capita by the time 2060 in Colombia (73.48%).

In the other (54.11%), Canada (54.33%), Italy (56.09%), United States (57.15%) ), Greece (58.70%), Switzerland (58.82%) and finl

Outside the OECD, Russia, considered one of the emerging powers of the BRIICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa), will grow by 42.06% This increase contrasts with most large emerging countries, whose standard of living will be much higher than the OECD average, especially in India. (163.82%) and China (113.76%)

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