GOG will no longer have the Portuguese version of Brazil, but maintains payment in Reais


In a somewhat abrupt manner, GOG announced the closure of the support to the Brazilian version of the online store from Monday (16), which implies the end of all the content that was previously translated in Brazilian Portuguese [19659002InanewsflatformofthesaleanddistributionofgamesinlinewiththedeclarationoftheinterruptionofthesupportappliedtothenewslettersandtheinformationoftheGamesandtheAdministrationoftheDedicatedforandtheSocietiesofPortuguese

The company behind the platform of distribution of digital games has associated the decision with problems to "fulfill the promise to deal with the market fully, with adequate support for Brazilian players. "

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Launched by the CD PROJEKT group in 2012, the GOG game store stands out by offering free DRM games, a digital lock that limits the use of software and digital games

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