Google creates a guide for "notch" use by developers and manufacturers


After generating weirdness, comments and memes, the "notch" seems to have come to stay. At least, it is the opinion of Google that, with another previous version of Android P for developers, has created a series of guidelines and guidelines for the use of screen recesses required for placement of physical components during the rest of the body

Standards are valid for both software developers and manufacturers and to ensure full compatibility between applications and devices . In addition to the notches themselves, the guide also applies to devices with "differentiated" aspects of the screen, with larger verticals such as those seen during recent launches of Samsung's Galaxy range.

. with the indentations on the screen, between devices already started or in the test phase. 11 manufacturers are working with this type of design, and more and more companies are already interested in creating cell phones with infinite screens, proving the giant's idea that this trend will be more and more in the premium sector

By the way, however, manufacturers interested in creating notch gadgets must follow two basic rules.

However, manufacturers interested in creating gadgets with notch should follow two basic rules: they can not use more than one recess on the same edge of the screen and it is forbidden to have more than two in all the device.

Google has standardized three notch formats to ensure compatibility between apps and smartphones (Image: Disclosure / Google)

In addition, the company has specified three standard sizes for the bar, depending on the options available on the current market. These options also allow Google to work on automatic optimization and adaptation systems for applications, to increase compatibility, to reduce the work of software developers and to ensure that "everything works with everything".

for developers, consistency can be achieved by two basic parameters. Applications must have a status bar that extends to the maximum up to the notch height so that they do not hide their contents. The sides of the recess, in this case, will be completely black and the same is true when the camera is in landscape mode or with the images displayed in full screen.

However, for greater use, developers can work on versions of their applications that support the use of the notch. Google's recommendation is that map, photo and game apps do it, with their dynamic elements such as menus and text stretched for landscape display or placed a little lower – something that Android is able to do it automatically.

Maps, photos and more can use full screen space, with menus and information automatically adapting to the format (Image: Divulgação / Google)

So, says the giant, if the recess is present. can take full advantage of the available space on the screen and increase the immersion of the user. The company cites its own applications as examples – in Maps, for example, the address search bar can be slightly moved, depending on the size of the notch, while the images themselves occupy all the screen, even

According to Google, more complete and complete rules should be available in the manual after the release of Android P. This too is a constant attitude of reducing the fragmentation of its ecosystem . With the arrival of such a feature, such guides become more than necessary to ensure that the user experience, enriched by the presence of a screen "infinite", becomes uncomfortable by the content covered by the inevitable nick.

Source: Android Explorer, 9 to 5 Google

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