Google develops proprietary security hardware called Titan Key


Google announced today a new security key using hardware for two-factor authentication. It capsizes Titan Security and rivals corporate keys like Yubico, and it's the kind that Google defends as the true standard for two-step authentication because it's hardware-based .

These Titan keys are FIDO compatible and will be available in two versions. One of them has Bluetooth support for connecting with mobile devices, while the second has a USB port for connecting to computers. As for the look and functionality, the keys look very much like those of Yubico, even if they are based on a clear design of Google.

It's unclear who is the manufacturer of Titan Keys for Google, since even the company's spokesperson was not able to answer during the conference), but she claims that it's not the same. she has herself developed her own firmware for the new keys. Recalling that Big G itself uses the Titan brand for custom chips for server protection, and it's unclear whether there is a relationship between the two.

Price information has not been disclosed, but it's already available to Google Cloud customers and will soon be available to people who want to buy it in Google's physical stores. Keys for similar purposes are priced from about $ 20 (73 reais) to $ 25 (92 reais).

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