Google Drive reaches 1 billion users


Google is ready to add an eighth platform with more than 1 billion users to its wallet. The Google Drive cloud service joins the elite team of Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Maps, YouTube, Android and Play Store.

The company announced at the Google Cloud Next conference in San Francisco that the step would be taken "At the end of this week", without specifying exactly which day, but even then the news is impressive.

<img onerror = "this.src = '×400-androidgeek.jpg'" class = "inline-image" src = "" alt = "Google Drive reaches 1 billion in the world. users image "width =" 728 "height =" 455 "title = Google is generally unobtrusive about the cloud service: last year, at the Google I / O conference, more than 2,000 billion people were announced at the Google I / O conference. This year's AI / O has not revealed any numbers, likely to have something to conquer the crowd on Google Cloud Next.

In the past 12 months, Google has extended the functionality of Google Drive. with more business-oriented features. and Stream File Drive are intended for the company, but all users have received automatic learning features. There is also a Drive-based backup and synchronization tool for all PC and Mac users.


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