Google slows YouTube in Firefox, Edge and Safari. Learn to work around the problem


A Mozilla executive has accused Google of making changes to YouTube's design so that it slowly turns on browsers Firefox and Edge.

The Director of the sotfware community technical program Chris Peterson posted a message on Twitter last Tuesday denouncing the fact that the video-sharing platform loaded five times slower on browsers that Google Chrome, because of its architecture, which was also reported by

" The loading of the YouTube page is five times slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome, because the new design YouTube Polymer has the API obsolete "

" YouTube provides a Shadow polyfill DOM for Firefox and Edge that is surprisingly slower than the native implementation of Chrome.In my laptop the initial page load takes five seconds with the polyfill against a sem.Next the navigation on the page is comparable " added.

This is the case Last update of Google and development of their services web to make them more efficient or work only on their browser Situations already encountered where services such as Google Meet, Allo, YouTube TV, Google Earth and YouTube Studio Beta simply block Edge (Microsoft) and Firefox (Mozilla).

Largest site of videos to the world

YouTube revealed in May that more than 1.8 billion views were recorded monthly, and that 400 hours of videos were downloaded minute by minute on the site so performance is a decisive factor for people when it's time to is to choose the browser .

Chrome is the most popular browser with 59% of share

How to get around the problem

The Firefox executive suggested that users of browsers [19659017] affected to access the old version of YouTube for

To work around this situation, Peterson gives some tips to force YouTube to return to the old design which speeds up the loading of the page, even if that will result in the loss of download of an extension that allows the site to go back to

In the case of Edge and Safari, simply install the Tampermonkey extension and use an appropriate script

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