Hélio Sousa: "The most important is the qualification"


Great football

The national coach under 19 understands that Portugal could "have solved the game earlier"

Hélio Sousa, national champion under 19 years, hired

Hélio Sousa: "The most important is the qualification "

the players after a 3-0 win against Finland and a qualification for the semifinals of the European Championship, as well as for the U20 World Cup, although it has acknowledged that Portugal could have solved the game earlier.

This is the qualification for the semifinals and the World Cup, we entered for the last game of the group to win, according to us, but there is still concern to stabilize the play and look for the result. , with the third goal, and managed the game in another way, "said Hélio Sousa

" The players have been extraordinary and have demonstrated tremendous ability, all 20 who work here in this last stage. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s), and at the end,
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