Historic peaks in orchards and olive groves mark the 2016/17 cropping season


Gross value added (GVA) of agriculture rose by 6.5 percent in nominal terms in 2017, after a 1.5 percent reduction in 2016, with orchards posting "excellent yields" According to data published today by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), apple orchards recorded a record production of about 330 000 tonnes (an increase of 36.3% over 2016), the fruits presenting "good calibres".

According to the institute, the variation in GVA mainly reflects a 4.4% increase in agricultural production (compared with 2.4% in 2016), due to an increase in volume 3, 8%) and stabilization of basic prices (0.6%).

Intermediate consumption increased by 3.1%.

The production of cherries and oranges was the highest in recent decades, benefiting from good flowering and adequate vegetative development.

In addition, the kiwi, with a production of 35,400 tonnes (68% more than in 2016), has reached the most productive season of all time, due to the entry into full production of recent plantations.

Among walnuts, almonds stand out with a production of 20 thousand tons (131.1 percent more than in 2016), the highest of this century.

INE also highlights the production of olive oil, which exceeded 1.47 million hectoliters (94.1 percent more than in 2016), largely because of the favorable weather conditions, corresponding to the most productive season since the systematic recordings.

The agricultural year 2016/2017 was very hot weather (2017 was the second hottest year since 1931) and very dry (2017 was the third driest year), which allowed agricultural work of the time.

The rare rains continued in winter, with 78% of the territory in dry weather at the end of December, deteriorating at the end of January to 95%, with 3% of the territory already in moderate drought. Still, winter grain crops have been completed under agronomically acceptable conditions, he says.

Spring was the third warmest since 1931, with precipitation 25 percent below normal.

"This scenario made it possible to carry out normal agricultural work at the time, but it conditioned the development of rainfed crops and contributed to the reduction of the level of water storage in most of the basins. which required the planning of areas planned for spring / summer crops, "he says.

The summer of 2017 was the sixth warmest and the third driest since 2000, being classified as hot and extremely dry.

"Throughout this period, complete drying of ponds and a marked decrease in the level of wells and holes were frequent, with implications for the ability to meet crop water requirements and the availability of water. water for the watering of herds "(s), [la citation nécessaire][la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] (js, fjs); document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk';); [ad_2]
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