How to use Google Chrome extensions of the Opera browser


Part of the success of the Google Chrome browser came with the ability to add extensions. Services of various types have been completed to the browser, making the life of the user easier. These extensions have been compatible with the Opera browser for a few years, but a new update will make this process easier.

In the past, it was necessary to download an Opera-specific extension that allowed the installation of add-ons for Chrome. In its new beta version, Opera has simplified the task, which only requires one click.

To install and add extensions, you must first download the beta version of Opera and choose the version compatible with your operating system. It is possible that some instability will occur and that some bugs will appear on the way, since it is a beta version. Follow the steps below to use the Opera Extensions:

1. Through this link, find the download option compatible with your computer. The links are at the end of the message.

2. With the beta version of Opera installed, go to the Chrome Web Store, select the category of extensions and look for a warning that will appear on a banner at the top of the screen (as pictured), by asking if you want to install the extensions of Google.

3. The! After approval, simply install the extension you have chosen, as if you were in Google Chrome.

It may be easier for Google Chrome extensions to try something new and look for another browser option.

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