"I am only disturbed by the goals I have scored"


C & # 39; was in the statements on television
Sky Italia,
Gianluigi Buffon, 40, spoke about the possible hiring of Cristiano Ronaldo by Juventus, the Italian football league team where he queued for 17 years and left this season to join the Paris-Saint Germain [19659002] Asked that the Portuguese player arrived in Turin after his departure, the goalkeeper said it did not bother him. He scored on me last season. If Ronaldo's transfer to Juventus takes place, I will be happy for the club and the fans, because that's what Juve needs, to find new players and the players. venerate, "he said in the interview

It is speculated that Cristiano Ronaldo will be bought for 100 million euros, but he misses the Torino club

"This would be the best advertisement for Italian football, it's the confirmation of the size of the Juventus club ", finalized.

Gigi Buffon is already in Paris

In the same interview, the guardian, arrived Monday at Paris-Saint Germain, said that "nobody ["IhaveeverbeenapartyatArmeniaJuventusintheItaliannationalteammembersmemberswhenIwasthatthefirstplayerorj;aitoujoursétéunjoueurquiagagnémaplacesurleterrain"adéclaréBuffon'J'ai40ansmaisjesuisenexcellenteformephysiqueetmentaleetjesaisquelorsquenousavonsdesobjectifsimportantsnousavonsbesoindetouspendantlasaisonettoutiras'assurerquelesautressontdanslesmeilleuresconditionsJeveuxmontrerquejesuisungrandgardiendebutetjesuissûrquejevaislefaire"

the fans also believe that yes and, at & # 39; arrival of the player, they showed him their love and support of & # 39. arrival of the Italian at the Parisian club here

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