if Rio approves the state budget opens "a civil war within the PSD" – Observer


Luís Marques Mendes asserted that Rui Rio's PSD will not allow the budget to avoid a political crisis if the contract fails: "I think it will vote against .That would be a political suicide." Is the most important law of a government.This decision was almost a "civil war" within the PSD, "said CID commentator Jornal da Noite.

For the former president of the PSD, a servicing of the state budget "would, in practice, correspond to guaranteeing the policy of the machine" and would call into question the role of the government. Opposition to the government that belongs to it: "The PSD would become much more of an amulet than an alternative" of the government. If the PSD signed the budget in which the contract had not reached an agreement, "Asunción Cristas became, in practice, the only leader opposed to the government", predicts Marques Mendes

. this speculation surrounding the approval of the state budget for 2019 is exaggerated: "I am of the opinion that they are all dramatizing. The PCP and the Left Bloc dramatize because they want to stretch the rope, they want to force the government as much as possible to open the purse strings to have winnings. It was always like that. The PS is dramatic because it is willing to negotiate but little. "

Mendes Brands still argues that everyone will eventually reach balance because neither of the two parties wants a political crisis:" The bloc does not want to open a political crisis because its a political crisis. goal is in the future to go to the government with the PS. Well, whoever wants to turn to a PS government in the future will not upset the PS who is now denigrating the budget. The PCP does not want to repeat the contraindication after 2019. But it wants to carry out this commitment. "As for the PS, Marques Mendes said that the party does not want to open a crisis either:" It would be to recognize that this political solution failed. The social consultation agreement continues, but the government can make an assignment of two or three points that can satisfy the left-wing partners. "

Luís Marques Mendes also issued an opinion on the lifting of banking secrecy by commenting the end of the audit of Caixa Geral de Depósitos and said that the parties will change the law in September to promote the end of banking secrecy which prevents Caixa from publishing the audit result: "Because bank secrecy is good but is not an absolute value; secondly, because we are talking about a dozen large loan cases that were clearly unpaid and that warranted the entry of public funds. "

On this audit, Mendes Brands pointed out that the fact that it was been sent to the prosecutor, but has not been disclosed either to the Assembly of the Republic or to the country is already an indication: "If it was sent to the public prosecutor means that there are indications of the practice of crimes, then, if it has not been disclosed publicly This is because of so-called banking secrecy. "Regarding this secret, and despite the controversy in the meantime, Marques Mendes defended the position of Caixa Geral de Depósitos." You can not disclose the audit as long as the law on banking secrecy n & # 39; 39 is not modified. Because the law does not allow disclosure. Who is not right are those who should help change the law, which are Banco de Portugal and the Portuguese Banking Association. "

For Marques Mendes, the arguments defended by the Bank of Portugal and the Portuguese Banking Association – both claim that the breach of banking secrecy destroys citizens' confidence in the banking sector – they have The SIC commentator lists three things that can break that trust: "He does not know what criteria led to the granting of these loans. Was it through cronyism, personal or political favor, or incompetence? He does not know who were the administrators and managers who grant these impaired loans, which did not have the guarantees that they should have. What destroys the trust is the companies that did not pay, who went bankrupt but at the same time, people see their owners living big, with money, wealth and wealth. # 39; ostentation. Sometimes they become richer. "

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