Inês Queiroga strengthens women's football


Inês Queiroga is the last strengthening of the women's football team of Benfica for the 2018/19 season. The Portuguese right-back was playing at SC Braga during the transata season and when he arrived in Luz he was happy to see his work rewarded.

  Ines Queiroga

"It's an inexplicable feeling. It's a club of excellence which makes me very proud and means that our work is seen and rewarded, "he said in a statement to BTV.

The young Lusa – aged 18 – has made Benifiquistas known, raising perseverance as one of the qualities. [19659005] "As a player, I characterize myself as being someone who never leaves who is still in the fight . I am raçuda and I do not give a ball for lost, "he said.

For the new stage in the career, the objectives have already been defined: "Benfica, being a Historical Club, must have the maximum requirement .The players must honor the jersey and bring achievements to the Club. "

" Win all competitions in which we participate, "added Inês Queiroga.

The right back also reiterated the importance of fans in the club and the success of this new project.

" The fans are very important The titles we can conquer are for us, but also for them," he said.

In addition to SC Braga, Inês Queiroga played in the GD Chaves, emblem that began to represent in 2009/10, with 9 years.

 Ines Queiroga


Text: Marco Rebelo

Photos: Tânia Paulo / SL Benfica

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