IPhone Face X ID may not recognize newly awake users


When he launched the iPhone X, Apple made a radical change in the method of unlocking the device. To keep up with the industry 's trend of removing any physical button from the front and taking up as much space as possible with the screen, the company has removed the sensor from the screen. fingerprints that she popularized a few years ago.

X is unlocked thanks to a technology that projects thousands of invisible dots in the face of the user and recognizes the owner of the phone. In practice, just look at the device as it will be unlocked quickly, but this can be a problem when you wake up and are upset, say, a little messy.

This is what some Twitter users have reported on an iPhone X. In the case of Connie Wang, editor of the site Refinery29 is because his face still appears a little more swollen than normal, which many people go through. "Every morning, my iPhone refuses to recognize that my swollen face is my real face, and then I have to unlock my phone by typing a password and frankly, it's a humiliating way to wake up," tweeted Wang . 19659004] Just look at the handset to unlock it quickly, but it can be a problem when you wake up and your face is a little rough.

Although it is not possible to know for sure what the problem is, a possibility raised by the journalist herself is related to the fact that she has a Chinese offspring. "The Chinese always associate by waking up with a swollen face," he said. If that is true, it would not be Apple's first problem with people of this ethnicity. A few months after the release of the iPhone X, a woman living in Nanjing City was reimbursed by the company after proving that a friend could trick FaceID and unlock his cell phone.

Up to now, there is no sign that this problem affects many people about to be considered critical, but Wang is far from alone disturbed [19659006] with the situation . A search for & unlocking face ID & # 39; also shows other cases that cause problems, such as persons who have to cover part of the face for health reasons, have a naturally broad smile or ]

Several situations are in fact recognized by Apple as contexts in which Face ID will not work, even to ensure the safety of the user. However, these comments suggest some frustration on the part of many people who do not have the Touch ID as a second option, a much more effective alternative to typing a password.

Whatever the case may be, current rumors about the successors of the iPhone X do not point to a trick of the fingerprint reader. Apple has made a big bet on technology exchange and should continue to invest in improvements to Face ID, with company patents showing some of the possible paths.

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