Is this the new iPhone X Plus?


Apple is not long in revealing the next iPhones in the world.

During the day yesterday, Benjamin Geskin, famous for having discovered some of the mysteries of the world of smartphones in advance, shared images of what he claims to be the # IPhone X Plus that Apple will launch next September.

Are you curious? Come to find out more.

Are they true?

In fact, these images represent imitations made from diagrams and information that come directly from the production line of Apple.

In the picture above, we can see that the so-called iPhone X Plus (6.5 inches) is very similar to the current iPhone X. However, this is not revealed much more than that. Yet we also see one that should be the 6.1 inch iPhone; with thicker edges and an LCD screen.

Sacrifices are needed …

The 6.1-inch iPhone is expected to represent a cheaper alternative for consumers who do not want to buy the more expensive models that should include an OLED display. According to rumors, the iPhone "low-cost", which should not exceed the 800 mark and will retain some features of the iPhone X, such as Face ID.

Other rumors are that the 6.1-inch iPhone should enter the market in five different colors: red, blue, orange, gray and white. ] 2018 iPhone X Plus (6.5 inches) and iPhone (6.1 inches) mannequins.

Given that the launch event of the new iPhones should be carried out in […] Ben Geskin (@ VenyaGeskin1) July 29, 2018


In September, there remains less than two months to confirm the veracity of some rumors that have emerged lately.

In addition, more photos of this type are expected to emerge in the coming weeks. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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