Israel plans to launch its first moon mission in December


The Capsule-shaped Spacecraft Still Has No Name and Will Land on the Moon on February 13, 2019

The first task will be to put the Israeli flag on the Israeli flag.

(19659009) Israel will launch its first space mission on the moon in December, announced Tuesday (10) an organization of this country, small but with great ambitions.

An anonymous spacecraft in the form of a capsule weighing 585 kilograms on takeoff will land on the Moon on February 13, 2019 if all goes as planned, SpaceIL organizers said at a conference [19659010] It will be launched by a company rocket SpaceX American businessman Elon Musk and his mission will include the search of the magnetic field of the Moon.

But the first task will be agricultural The project began as part of the technological contest Google Lunar XPrize, which offered $ 30 million (25 million euros) to stimulate scientists and entrepreneurs to

An Israeli team later known as SpaceIL decided to embrace this goal and eventually associated with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

The Google price expired in March

This private initiative could cost about $ 95 million, largely funded by Israeli billionaire Morris Kahn

This will show the rest of the world how to "send a spaceship to the moon at a reasonable cost, "said Ofer Doron on behalf of the IAI

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