"It was an exaggeration of what they did," says Neymar about memes


Attacker says that he is trying to wear games "with lightness". and asserts that his image has not been devalued after the World Cup: "They still speak on my behalf"

Neymar speaks to the press at an auction organized by the Instituto Neymar Jr., at the Unique Hotel in São Paulo (SP), Brazil. Neymar After the disappointment of an elimination in the quarterfinals of the World Cup and see their falls become a joke around the globe, Neymar broke the silence. "It was an exaggeration that they made," said the striker Thursday night about the Neymar Challenge – a joke that is about throwing himself on the ground when he hears the name of the company. Athlete – and other memes. However, the 10 jersey of the selection showed no harm and said to try to "take things lightly". "I do not care about the pressure, and we end up playing with it."

Neymar made these remarks during a participation in a charity auction of his institute. The event was held at the Hotel Unique, in São Paulo, in the presence of the player's girlfriend, actress Bruna Marquezine, among other celebrities.

The father of the athlete was also there and played jokes with his son in the internet. "Children imitate what's funny.Once you win, another loses." For his father Neymar, the attacker "knows how to do things right."

The player was a little more upset when He was asked if his image was "devalued" of the World Cup. "The devaluation does not, I leave the World Cup and keep talking on my behalf, they never forget me, so how are you going to devalue?" He broke. Neymar also commented on the speculation of a possible transfer to Real Madrid. "This is what you invent.You must stop inventing these things with my name."

Present at the auction, Nasser Al-Khelaifi, the Parisian millionaire, president of Paris Saint- Germain (PSG), said that he did not believe in an Egos war in the French club locker room with the status change of Kylian Mbappé, who returns from the cup with the title and consecrated as the one of the biggest stars of world football. "They have a beautiful relationship and they like it," he said. Nasser said the pair was good and the Brazilian congratulated the young Frenchman for the conquest in Russia. "Of course, he [Neymar] wanted to win, but he is happy for his teammate, and so would Mbappé, if Neymar had won," he added. For Qatar, the good relationship of the two strikers will be crucial for the club to fight for the titles next season. Finally, he commented on a probable passage of his shirt 10 in Spain. "I laugh, I'm tired of this and, as you know, Neymar is a PSG player and will continue to be a PSG player."


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"data-medium-file =" https://abrilveja.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sporte-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w=300 "data-large-file = "https://abrilveja.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sporte-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w=650" data-restrict = "false" class = "size-large wp-image-2648592 "src =" https://abrilveja.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sporte-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w=650&strip=info "border =" Neymar and Bruna Marquezine pose for a photo auction. "Neymar and Bruna Marquezine pose for an auction photo" led by the Instituto Neymar Jr., at the Unique Hotel in São Paulo (SP) – 19/07/2018 "srcset =" https: // abrilveja .files.wordpress.com / 2018/07 / esports-neymar-20180720-0002- copy.jpg? quality = 70 & strip = info & w = 650 650w, https://abrilveja.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sport-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w=1300 1300w, https: //abrilveja.files.word press.com/2018/07/esporte-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w=150 150w, https://abrilveja.files.wordpress.com/ 2018/07 / esporte-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg? Quality = 70 & strip = info & w = 300 300w, https://abrilveja.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sporte-neymar-20180720-0002-copy.jpg?quality=70&strip=info&w= 768 768w " sizes = "(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px" />

Neymar and Bruna Marquezine posed for a photo at an auction organized by the Neymar Jr Institute, at the Unique Hotel in São Paulo (SP) – 19/07/2018 (Nacho Doce / Reuters)

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