Jeff Bezos wants to create the first lunar colony until 2023


Jeff Bezos, the man who recently replaced Bill Gates as the richest man in the world, is looking at the moon. The chief executive of the Blue Origin aerospace company, founded in September 2000, revealed that Jeff Bezos intends to colonize the moon in the next 5 years.

The mission is Blue Moon and is a priority for Blue Origin.

Go Stay …

Last May, Jeff Bezos revealed at a conference in Seattle his plan to conquer the Moon. The owner of Amazon said that it was time for us humans to return to the moon but in order to stay. So creating a colony on the moon is for Jeff Bezos a priority.

Blue Origin is now looking for support for this mission and the idea is to create a new logistics service. In addition, the company Jeff Bezos already has a fairly advanced technology that should allow the landing of large goods on the moon.

 Jeff Bezos, the moon of the colony

Jeff Bezos suggests to establish

I think we should build a permanent colony on one of the poles of the moon and it's time to come back but this time to stay.

Jeff Bezos

How do you prepare for a mission like this?

Preparing a mission to go to the moon to establish a colony is a big challenge. Despite the technological advances that have taken place since the first lunar voyage in 1969, the difficulty of what we want to accomplish today is even greater.

 Man on the Moon

There are many factors to consider and a lot of equipment to prepare before humans even think about spending a night on the moon. There are equipment that can only be mounted on the surface and Blue Origin intends to entrust this task to robotics and advanced machine learning systems.

Despite the difficulty, it is possible to accomplish the mission. This is a very important step since the moon could become the base from which humanity will conquer Space.

According to Jeff Bezos, we will have to leave planet Earth and, in so doing, we will do so (f, f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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