José Mourinho: "It will always be the final video-referee" – World Cup 2018


Jose Mourinho believes that the uncertainties surrounding the timing of using the video-referee ended up shining the finals of the World Cup, conquered by France against Croatia ( 4-2 ). In the final analysis of the tournament, the Manchester United coach – who commented on the test of the Russian agency "RT & # 39; – felt that the Gauls were more efficient, despite the good Croatian reply. "At half-time, the best team was losing because of an error in the VAR concept, I'm not saying that it's not a penalty, because it's debatable, but the VAR concept concerns the serious errors of the referees.I've been disillusioned, "began Mourinho, referring to Perisic's proposal, which Griezmann converted 2-1 before the break.

" Then there was what we were hoping for in the second half, France scoring the third and fourth. "He played in a game that I do not see as a fault of Lloris but rather as too much confidence. hardly and France is the champion 20 years later.I think that from the beginning, Croatia-France was an excellent final and I would have liked to see the second half tied (1-1) a 2-1 , and especially with a 2-1 that makes that is the end of the VAR forever, "said Mourinho, who nevertheless pointed out that "the VAR has made an excellent contribution when it is applied in the right circumstances. "[19659002] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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