know the new values ​​of August – The Economic Journal


The lowest disability, old-age and survivors pensions in the general social security and civil service system will rise in August. In the countdown to the six or ten euro update that begins to be applied in August, the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (Deco) warns that only those who receive up to 643, 35 euros are covered and the X-rays of the new (CGA).

"Only pensions not exceeding EUR 643.35 (1.5 times the value of the Social Support Index, or 428.90 × 1.5)," recalls Deco / Protest. extraordinary increase in pensions The increase, which will be between six and ten euros and will come into effect from the month of August, has been recorded in the state budget for 2018 and regulated in the Council of Ministers May 24.

"Retired 2011 and 2015 receive another six euros. The others receive another 10 euros. In both cases, the additional increase will be deducted from the amount of the annual increase that the pension had already had in January of this year. "

According to the executive branch, this extraordinary update supplements the compensation for the loss of purchasing power caused by the suspension of the pension plan of the general social security scheme and the CGA scheme between 2011 and 2015, increasing the incomes of pensioners with lower pensions. "

Minimum pension in the general social security scheme corresponds to:

€ 269.08, for less than 15 years of reductions,
282, 26 €, for 15 to 20 years of reductions,
311,47 €, for 21 to 30 years of discounts
389,34 €, for more than 30 years of reduction

The amount of the social pension the non-contributory scheme is 207.01 euros. That is, who has not cashed in social security, has reached the retirement age (66 years and four months in 2018) and is part of a low-income household. returned. At this retreat is added, recalls Deco, the extraordinary complement of solidarity, whose value is 18.02 euros, for the under 70s, and to 36.02 euros, for those who have already completed seven decades of life. [19659002] The dependency supplement is 103.51 euros, in 1st degree situations, and 186.31 euros in 2nd degree cases (people who, in addition to being in a state of dependency, are bedridden ). In the non-contributory scheme, the amounts are 93.15 euros and 175.96 euros respectively.

The minimum pension amounts paid by Caixa Geral de Aposentações are as follows:

313.54 €, over 18 and up to 24 years of age
€ 313.54, more than 12 and up to 18 years of age

415.44 €, for more than 30 years

Old-age and disability pensions awarded until the end of 2016 and whose value does not exceed 857.80 € had 1.8% increase, recalls Deco / Protest. For pensions between 264.32 and 857.80 euros, the increase was at least 4.76 euros.

Regarding pensions between 857.80 euros and 2573.40 euros, the increase was 1.3%, with a minimum growth of 15.44 euros.

Pensions between 2,573.4 and 5,146.8 euros increased by 1.05%, with a minimum of 33.45 euros. The majority of pensions above € 5,146.88 remained unchanged.

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