Latest News: WhatsApp puts promise for free Internet and spread of viruses


A security boot PSAfe warned Friday (27) for a new hit via WhatsApp.

An ad offers up to 20 GB of free internet up to 60 days for users of any mobile phone operator

The site asks questions like "How many free internet days have you got?"

The site asks questions like "How many free internet days do you have? Do you want to activate?" And "How many Go would you like to receive from your operator?"

At the end of the quiz, the person is informed that she must share the content with three friends and WhatsApp groups.

of the victim and reports the alleged problems on the mobile phone. To solve them, you have to download malicious applications and install viruses on the devices.

Shortly before the World Cup, a similar shot promised a free shirt of the selection.

According to Kaspersky Lab at the time, the scam was different for Android and iOS

In the Google system, there appeared a fake page stating that the cell phone was infected with viruses and that It was therefore necessary to install an application

This practice is known as phishing and attempts to bait unsuspecting Internet users

WhatsApp is enough (19659003) To test the veracity of the page, PSafe suggests users to test the link on the dfmdr lab site (https: //)., a laboratory of a cybersecurity company that detects malicious email addresses.

The main trick is to not click on hatsApp and beware of security alerts that require downloading programs on your phone. According to the information of Folhapress

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