Left Bloc wants "good choices" in investments in the country – Observer


The coordinator of the Left Bloc (BE) warned Sunday at a luncheon in Viseu, the government, of the "choices that are made", especially when it comes to investment in the health sector. "Whenever we are told there is no money to hire more professionals, we see then how to guarantee the health services and that is, in the end year, users who end up being referred to the private and the state that pays, "warns Catherine Martins.According to her," 40% of the health budget is for the private sector. "[19659002] The coordinator of the Left Bloc argued that "you can not hire professionals, nurses, diagnostic technicians, doctors […] because there is no budget when the Surgeries performed in the private sector increased by 52%, only in 2017. "And he added:" It's always choices, it's always the choices we make, "said Catarina Martins: In response to criticism of more than 35 hours of work in the health sector, he asked if "before 35 hours everything was fine": "When right decided to force health professionals to work five hours longer without them. to pay, everything was fine? Or, what we saw was not the massive emigration of nurses to the foreign or private health sector? "

In other sectors, such as the banking sector, for example, the fundamental question" are the investment choices that are not made in the interior of the country ", said Catarina Martins in Viseu. "When someone tells us that the problem is to do the accounts, and the law has said so many times that they have not done well the bills, n & # 39; 39 did not do well accounts on teachers, doctors, and did they do the accounts on the system "

Catarina Martins challenged to do the math and recalled the investment that" this government has made in the Banif ", stating that" it was the right who prepared the but the government did because it wanted and did not with the votes of the bloc. "He also referred to the investment in the new bank" right, but that this government has not changed ":" With these decisions have already been 9 billion euros in this legislature for the private and are engaged in the next 20 years plus 10 billion euros. Let's talk about accounts? Let's talk about the missing money bills to respect the career of the teachers or to hire the necessary professionals who miss the national health service. "

According to the coordinator of the BE," it is the accounts that and in this respect has reacted to the news on the compensation awarded to Parvalorem, a state enterprise that manages about 3,000 million euros. euros assets of the former BPN: "This Parvalorem, which maintains part of the administration that came from Oliveira Francisco Nogueira Leite, a companion of Pedro Passos Coelho and Miguel Relvas, who was appointed under the previous government but that this government has left, has now decided to distribute half a million bonuses to those directors who have come "

In this sense, Catarina Martins said that "if it's to do accounts" to do "all the accounts" up to because, according to him, "the problem is in the choices": "A government that has already spent 9, 000 million of & # 39; 39 euros with the financial system and says that it is too expensive to defrost the career of teachers has no problem With teachers, there is a problem with the financial system, "he said. Just like "a government that does not remove the administration of Parvalorem who distributes these bonuses is no problem to make the IP3, it has a problem with the financial system."

Catarina Martins, who spoke at a lunch included in the "" C is certainly the most interesting initiative in the country of the left Bloc at the cultural level "- recalled that the Block of the left is not present "to negotiate budgets that they do not respect people" and warned that the party "does not agree that they talk about certain accounts and always forget the accounts of the financial system. "

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