If the Nissan Leaf is the world's leading electric vehicle, the Renault Zoe is, since 2015, the most sold electric car in Europe. It turns out that, on the one hand, the Japanese rival is getting stronger, and the proof is that in May, Zoe was dethroned on the European markets, according to Jato Dynamics data. On the other hand, the demand for zero emission mobility solutions is increasing, which leads Renault to refine its strategy and want to accelerate its response to this growing demand. That is why the diamond brand will take advantage of the August stoppage at the Flins plant to adjust it to a new production goal: from 220 units per day , the goal is to install at 440 Zoe. Double
The #RenaultZoe is no longer the most sold in Europe #EV . 2nd generation #NissanLeaf #ranking in May 2018. #Smart electric impress #JATORanking #JATOStories #ElectricVehicles [En2017ilsontquittélalignefrançaise30000Zoeetilsontquittélalignefrançaise30000Zoeenviron63milleClioetenviron94000NissanMicraComptetenudel'augmentationannoncéepourlederniertrimestreilestprévuquedéjàcetteannéelaproductionannuelleduGaulleatteigne40milleunitésCenombrepasseraaux60000unitésen2019soitpresqueautantquelaproductiondeCliodanscettemêmeusineilyadeuxansIncidemmentBursa(Turkey)andNovovoMesto(Slovenia)willconcentratethemanufactureoftheutility'slargestcapacityforthereductionofflins
With these changes, the Gallic manufacturer is preparing to introduce the second generation of the tram, which debuted between us in 2012 and in 2016 received a major renovation in batteries, from 22 kWh to 41 kWh batteries of capacity, which has allowed him to certify 400 km of autonomy in the old NEDC Cycle, which will be equivalent to something like 300 km in real conditions. The greater range, combined with a consensual aesthetic – far from the type of spaceship – like the daydreams in which some builders embark – makes Zoé an interesting alternative for those who want to travel with reduced costs and … zero emissions. Therefore, it is more certain that, rather than the aesthetic, the new generation seeks to differentiate itself from the competition in the technical field, especially the (lower) loading time and autonomy (higher ). All the more, remember, next year is also the entry of I.D. Neo, the first model of the new Volkswagen electric family.
Of course, Renault seems to believe that sales of electric vehicles will skyrocket. Thus, in Cléon, the French brand plans to triple the production of its own electric motors (there are batteries to power them). It is recalled that Renault is still using Continental's engines for Zoe's 50 kW fast-load versions, compared with 22 kW for the rest, which are in turn faster to charge 7 kW at home outlets.
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