Lisbon-Beijing had more than 80 thousand passengers in the first year of operation – Publituris


The Beijing-Lisbon line, which commemorates this Thursday, July 26th, the first anniversary, has already reached more than 80,000 passengers, reported Beijing Capital Airlines, the Chinese airline that insures the operation. This nonstop line "three days a week" linking Beijing and Lisbon carried a total of more than 80,000 passengers during the first year of operation, "said the company in response to Publituris, explaining that in high season, the charge

Beijing Capital Airlines is satisfied with the performance of the road, the first direct between China and Portugal, noting that the opening of these flights was, as well as "an important achievement for Sino-Portuguese relations, enriching cooperation between the two nations in various fields. "

In addition to this link, Beijing Capital Airlines also opened a connection between Beijing and Macao on June 25, 2010, an option that facilitates the travel of passengers from Portugal whose destination is the old one. Portuguese territory.

"Previously, several transfers were needed during a trip between Portugal and Macao.Now with our connection Lisbon – Beijing – Macao, the trip becomes easier with just a quick transfer to Beijing. opening of this route confirms an increase in the overall flow of tourists between China and Portugal. "

It is recalled that Beijing Capital Airlines is considered the largest aviation company in China, with a fleet of 79 aircraft operating 49 international lines to 26 cities in 13 countries of Europe, North America, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia.

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