Mark Zuckerberg is now the third richest person in the world


Mark Zuckerberg overtook Warren Buffet and became the third richest person in the world according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index. The CEO of Facebook is behind only Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, and Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.

The executive and founder of the social network overtook Buffet last Friday (6), when his shares gained appreciation of 2.4% to $ 81.6 billion

The change sets a new record: it's the first time that the first three on the list are people involved in technology. The industry is also the only one that accounts for more than a fifth of the $ 5 trillion fortune reviewed by Bloomberg.

Warren Buffet, 87, lost his position at Zuckerberg because of his charitable donations, which began in 2006. The billionaire donated about $ 290 million from his business, Berkshire Hathaway, at Bill & Melinda Gates Institution.

The achievement seemed unlikely a few months ago when Facebook was involved in the Cambridge Analytica controversy and data from millions of users were used illegally in the campaign that elected Donald Trump as president the United States.

With the rise of Mark Zuckerberg, the Bloomberg Billionaires Index of the world's richest people looks like this:

  Bloomberg Billionaires Index
Bloomberg Billionaires Index (Bloomberg)

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