Melania Gomes in swimsuit to receive spring – A Television
Spring began yesterday, March 20, and permeated in the spirit of the station, Melania Gomes did not want to pay homage to his homeland. With pride, the actress shared several photographs in swimsuit to swim in the waters of Serra do Gerês.
The actress has posted in her Instagram account photos and videos of the beauty of Cascata Cela Cavalos, in the Natural Park of Peneda-Gerês. On the pictures, it is still not possible to see the belly of a pregnant woman that Melania Gomes has now. The actress is pregnant with the first child of seven months common with Mário Redondo.
"I am from the land, from the water, from the nature I am from Minho and I am very proud of our country: a heritage to preserve, care for and honor! It can be visited all over the world. year, but please, respect nature, "asked Melânia Gomes.
The actress also gives tips on how to behave visitors in the park. "Be happy and grateful for this blessing that is the Earth!" He concluded.
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