MEO forced to lower prices for access to TNT – Tv Media


The Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) will require Altice / MEO to lower the price it charges to the television channels in Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), imposing a maximum limit of 885 thousand euros per Mbps. This figure could represent a saving of about 15.16% compared to the amounts currently billed, depending on the source of the regulator.

"The draft decision, now approved by the regulator, will be the subject of a pre-hearing and public consultation over the next 30 years, working days," Anacom said. in a statement. "The MOE will apply the new prices within 10 business days of notification of the final decision to be made by Anacom and, within the same period, simultaneously and fully communicate the revised prices to all television operators."

It is recalled that in 2017, as the CM had already reported, the RTP group had a cost of 9167 million euros with the rental of the network, where it currently issues RTP 1 , RTP 2, RTP 3 and RTP Memory (in the autonomous regions, it also transmits RTP Azores and RTP Madeira, in TNT).
Media Capital, owner of TVI, revealed that the cost of access to this network last year was TVI and SIC (which do not reveal the amount paid, but will be close to that of TVI ) renegotiated the access contracts to TVI and SIC. Altice Network early 2017.

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