Minas investigates 90 suspected cases of measles – Health


The State Department of Health in Minas Gerais (SES) released Thursday (29) its latest epidemiological assessment of measles in that state. According to the report, 90 cases are being analyzed by Fundação Ezequiel Dias (Funed-MG).

From January to October this year, 424 cases have already been reported to the secretariat, of which 334 have already been eliminated. Of the 90 that continue to be studied, 19 have already shown positive or inconclusive results in the first analysis. However, SES stresses that it is still necessary to carry out new tests to confirm the presence of the virus. Belo Horizonte has three such cases, Itanhadu and Conceição das Pedras, south of Minas, and Muriaé, in Zona da Mata, have two. Caratinga, Carmo da Mata, Jequitinhonha, Juiz de Fora, Lagoa Santa, Raposos, Ribeirao das Neves, Santa Helena de Minas, Santa Juliana and São Roque de Minas each have a suspicious case.

Reported cases of suspicion are highest among 1-year-olds, followed by children aged 6 to 11 months, children aged 5 to 9, pre-teens and adolescents aged 10 to 19 years. However, the secretariat noted that many of the reported cases were due to symptoms of adverse reactions to the triple or tetraviral vaccine used to prevent the disease.

The area of ​​the state that gives rise to the most suspicions is that which includes the Belo Horizonte metropolitan area and the central region. The second position in the ranking comes from the Eastern Region, followed by Triangulo Mineiro, South and West. Check the distribution on the map published by SES:

Press Release / SES-MG / N / A

Measles in Minas

The data was leaked by the Secretary of State for Health


Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent this serious and highly contagious disease. The Ministry of Health and the state secretariats for health organized the national immunization campaign against measles and polio from August 6 to September 14. In Minas, the minimum recommended target for the campaign has been reached. The state currently has 97.49% of vaccine coverage and over a million doses have been applied during the course of action.

The drug is used in children aged 1 to 4 years and, according to SES, is available in all immunization rooms of state-run health facilities. The vaccine is the triple vaccine that, besides the prevention of measles, also protects against rubella and mumps.

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