Most suspected prisoners of sports attack in Alcochete – Portugal


The Alcochete invasion investigation, with violent assaults on players and sports coaches at the club's training center on May 15, resulted in further arrests on Monday afternoon, according to the CM ] in a new operation of the Criminal Investigation Division of the PSP, and the GNR, in an action articulated with the Lisbon DIAP

They add to the other 27 detainees – all in pre-trial detention -, 23 soon in the afternoon of the crime and from 4 to 6 June.

In this lot, it is recalled, was Fernando Mendes, former head of the Leonine Youth and considered one of the mentors of the attack on the athletes, which has already cost the club the end from many of them.

who are also responsible for serious crimes such as participation in a terrorist act or serious injury to physical integrity, are also likely to be detained when they are present on Tuesday morning. in the court of Barreiro

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