National media receives $ 1.4 million from Google. DN Madeira is one of the winners


National media will receive 1.4 million euros from Google as part of the fifth round of funding (DNI). Of the 28 countries that received funding in this new round, Portugal is the sixth country to receive the most investment. Media Capital, Observer, Cofina, Global Media Group and The Mosted were the national groups that saw projects recognized

This year, DNI awarded 98 projects, from 28 countries, worth 21.13 millions of euros, out of a total of 820 applications from 29 countries. Of the 98 projects funded in the fifth round, 39 are prototypes (projects in an initial state requiring up to 50 thousand euros in funding), 29 are medium-sized projects (funding up to 300 thousand euros) and 30 are large projects (up to 1 million).

<img class = "aligncenter wp-image-1237309 size-full" src = "ção-2018-2-01. jpg "alt =" Global Media Group (owner of Dinheiro Vivo) saw a project led by the Portuguese Ministry of Finance Madeira Newspaper get funding in the category of Medium Project with Portugal Now A travel platform that opens doors for travelers who want to discover destinations as places through meals, activities or guided tours using augmented reality and gamification.Portugal will now be available in four languages ​​( Portuguese, English, German and French) and will be directed by the Madeira newspaper with the cooperation of 14 regional newspapers

The group Media Capital received funding in the category of Major project with interactive agent vid Live eo – (LIA), an intelligent system created specifically for live video, with architectural tools to enhance the user experience, win and retain the audience, add monetization opportunities Observer Observer Awarded funding in the category Major Project with Into the Voice (project focused on the production and preservation of audio content for all platforms, also for live broadcasts Cofina also obtained funding in the category Big Project, for 9004] AudioQ a collaborative project between the media group and Prebiram, which aims to create a series of podcasts with news stories, daily morning and evening briefings, and personalized voice applications with questions and answers for national news content

The Mosted won in the category Prototype . The project aims to help journalists write better stories by giving them an insight into how and what they write generated by the same natural language processing or machine learning models used to determine the language. Impact Since the first round in February 2016, the Innovation Fund of the Digital Innovation Initiative has already granted Portugal about 7,187 million euros, out of a total of 115.2 million euros. already allocated by the different (19659016)