National Newspaper – Embraer and Boeing announce partnership in commercial aviation


Embraer and US giant Boeing announced a partnership in the field of commercial aviation.

The case took off at exactly eight o'clock in the morning when Embraer informed the sheriff that he had concluded the deal with Boeing.

In practice, the company was divided: Embraer continues to have 100% control of defense, security and business aviation, which are small jet planes . For commercial aviation, aircraft from 70 to 150 seats, there is a new company that will have a 20% stake in Embraer and 80% in Boeing.

"Boeing planes are different from Embraer planes. They have made a much more complete portfolio and therefore for the company has a positive effect. It increases their competitiveness, "said Paulo Furquim de Azevedo, professor of Insper.

For participation in the new society, Americans will pay $ 3.8 billion, today around 15 R $ billions.

The company will be headquartered in Brazil, but executives will report directly to Boeing's global president in the US This company will retain the most successful products from Embraer, the largest jets. In this category, Embraer is a world leader.

"If she did not do this, Boeing, who would be or would be in partnership with Russian or Chinese or would probably develop her plane, would have a very strong competitor behind "Castellini, specialist in the air sector

Today, 81% of Embraer shares are already owned by foreigners, mainly investment funds." The largest shareholder in Brazil BNDES

The Embraer Association with Boeing follows another major merger when the main competitor of Embraer, the Canadian Bombardier, was acquired by Boeing's main competitor, Airbus. Therefore, the president of the BNDES thinks that the case was inevitable.

"Given the evolution of this market, Embraer must position itself," said BNDES President Dyogo Oliveira.

Since the beginning of the negotiations in December 2017, the company's shares have jumped – by 60%.

The company still needs to be approved by regulatory agencies, shareholders and by the Brazilian government, which holds the so-called "golden share", the right of veto in some decisions. 19659012] [ad_2]
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