National Week: Blitze attracts the attention of drivers and pedestrians on the fight against Aedes


Until next Friday, a series of educational activities are under way in Campo Grande to draw attention to a problem: the proliferation risk of Aedes aegypti – transmitter of Dengue, Zika and chikungunya. On Wednesday (28th), health education teams from the SESAU Vector Center for Endemic Disease Control (VCEC) organized mobilizations with the health units.

During the morning, educational blitzes were held at the intersection of Avenida Euler de Azevedo and Rua Contegibe, with the support of the UBSF Azaléia servers and the company. Ana Luiza de Souza Avenue with Rua Francisco dos Anjos, in partnership with UBSF Jardim Botafogo.

According to the coordinator of the ECE, Eliasze Guimarães, the aim is to get the attention of the greatest number and to be aware of the risk of facing our epidemics, if everyone does not do their part.

"The population must be aware that we must all be vigilant, not only the public power to be part of it, but that confrontation must occur mainly in homes where even 80% mosquitoes, "he says.

According to the latest report of rapid survey on the Aedes aegypti Infestation Index (LIRaa) published by the Coordinating Office of Endemic Vectors Control (EAEC) of the Municipal Secretariat for Campo Health Large (SESAU), 27 neighborhoods have a high mosquito infestation rate


On Thursday (28), the EAAC teams organize blitzes in the streets of the Campo Grande neighborhoods and educational activities, in parallel with the activities of the health units.

D-Day will be held on Friday the 30th at the Municipal School Elpídio Reis, in Mata do Jacinto, with great mobilization.


27 areas are at risk, 34 are on alert and only eight appear with satisfactory indices, that is to say less than 1% of infestations. At the last LiRaa, only the Centro 473 / Bairro Amambaí area had an index higher than 3.9%, which is considered a risk. This year, LiRaa started to be stratified by health unit / sector and no longer by neighborhood.

According to LiRaa, the most critical area is the UBSF Paradiso, which covers the neighborhoods of Monte Castelo, Seminary and Vila Nossa Senhora das Graças, with an Infestation Property Index (IPP) of 9% . In May, the region's PPI was less than 2%, which represents an increase of more than 6%.

The UBSF zones of Jardim Azaleia and Alves Pereira had a rate of 8.1%, followed by UBSF Mata do Jacinto and UBSF Vila Fernanda with 6.7%, UBS Universitário and Caiçara with 6.6%.

Epidemiological data.

From January to November of this year, there were 979 confirmed dengue cases in the municipality of Campo Grande, six from Zika and 61 from Chikungunya.

Last year, there were 688 confirmed cases of dengue, 2 of Zika and 39 of Chikungunya. (Consultative)

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