Netflix plans a new price hike in Europe – Observer


Netflix's streaming film and series platform studies the possibility of raising again the prices of the service it offers in Europe. According to The British Telegraph, the change should only affect premium customers but may represent an increase of 20% of the amount currently paid.

The idea is to replace the most complete current service with a new new category that joins the current three (base, standard and premium ]). The streaming simultaneous audio and video in 4K on four different screens and the possibility to watch movies and series in HDR (High Dynamic Range) would be made available by the new service "ultra" and not by ] as it is currently the case. only two screens and loses access to the HDR, now transmission in 4K. If they wish to continue to benefit from the same conditions, full service users will have to pay, according to the Telegraph, 20% more of the current value.

The Observer has contacted Netflix to see if the change applies to Portugal but it is not clear whether or not it is happening. a hypothesis on the table. In response, the official source of the company confirms that there are "slight differences in prices and conditions" presented to customers, which justifies the need to "better understand how consumers appreciate Netflix" .

The company also claims that she "constantly tests new things" and that "these tests vary in duration", but points out that "not everyone will have contact "With the results of the evaluation Incidentally, Netflix admits that it can" never offer specific items included in the test "to streaming subscribers . Currently, the three services streaming range from 7.99 euros for the lowest price (for the "basic" service) and 13.99 euros for the premium service ] which may be modified . In the middle, there is always a "standard" package available for 10.99 euros per month

The increase that is studied follows the changes made there are less than 39, one year. . In October 2017, two years after the launch of the service in Portugal, the company changed (increased) the prices in the standard plans justified by the gradual increase in the content offer that the flat offers

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