New bank closes an agency in Abrantes – Society


The agency of the new bank in Alferrarede, Abrantes, will close on Friday, July 27, Lusa told the vice president of this municipality of Santarém district, a decision that the mayor said "regret"

At the executive meeting of the House of Abrantes held this week, João Gomes (PS), lamented the fact that he was officially informed by the administration of the New Bank of the closure of the Alferrarede branch after posting on the door a decision that criticized because she "emptied" services to the people and businessmen of Alferrarede, especially to a time when several public investments of urban regeneration of the historic center were announced.

Concerns were shared by the Left Bloc City Councilor. , Armindo Silveira, who reinforced the position expressed by the Socialist Vice President saying that the agency Alferrarede "has fulfilled the proposed objectives, is used by many companies, who even use the night safe, and many citizens have loans there. "

The new bank issued a notice of" change of facilities "on the door of the Alferrarede branch. In July, guests can visit the Abrantes counter on Rua do Montepio, in the historic center of the city, about 10 minutes from the current branch.

In early July, the new bank will close about 30 branches by the end of the month, a measure included in the closure of 73 branches scheduled for this year.

At the end of April, the new bank had closed 30 wickets

The closing of branches of the new bank this year aims to anticipate the objective negotiated with Brussels for 2021, year in which the bank should have 400 agencies (73 less than at the end of 2017).

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