New Iglo vegetable bowls: be healthy in ten minutes


Bowls – cups in Portuguese – gain more and more protagonism and also arrive at the supermarket. One Iglo presents three bowls that combine vegetables with three of the cereals that have been heard lately: Quinoa Wheatgrass and Bulgur .

The mark, known by the captain, navigates this time towards sound suggestions. Prepared in ten minutes, simply place the preparation in a frying pan or microwave oven.

Iglo's New Bowls come at a time when more and more people are embracing a healthy lifestyle and adopting vegetarian or vegan food. "This solution responds to the current trends of consumers seeking a healthy lifestyle without neglecting food" reports the director of m arketing of the mark, John Vale ]] in a press release

Adjacent to food choices is also day-to-day operation and lack of time to cook. To address the barriers to healthy eating, John Vale says the new features of the brand come with this goal: "Veggie Bowls will respond to these two big enemies in the kitchen and in food: lack of time and energy. 39; imagination "

Vegetarian Bowls with Quinoa

These Bowls are made with quinoa and also add pumpkin, peas and a touch of ginger and chilli.

Quinoa is a large grain

It is rich in fiber, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and multiple vitamins.

Another strength of this cereal is the fact that it does not contain gluten.

Buckwheat Buckwheat Vegetable Bowls ]

Broccoli, beans and a combination of lemon and pepper.

Still to be discovered by many people entering the world of healthy eating, wheatgrass is another protein-based plant food allied to celiac disease

. , has at least 5 advantages:

  • It has slow-absorbing carbohydrates that control blood sugar levels
  • Iron helps fight anemia
  • Intestinal transit is regulated by fiber
  • ] B vitamins, phosphorus, manganese and zinc fight depression, anxiety and headaches
  • Bowls with vegetables Heart health and arteries is regulated by fats. de boulgour

    The last bowl has, as its name indicates, bulgur, which combines with zucchini and chickpeas. To taste the taste, add garlic and cumin.

    Many still have trouble pronouncing the name of the grain. But on the shelves of large supermarkets and stores healthy and natural products, the presence of bulgur begins to reproduce.

    A Bulgur Veggie Bowl combines many nutrients. The cereal strengthens the immune system, bones and teeth, gives energy and contributes to muscle function.

    If they did not know how to cook, or what combinations were possible, the bowl of Iglo begins to give some ideas.

    The launch of practical bowls for lunch at work, at school or even at home, in addition to health, are interactive

    The brand will launch the Podcast All Good, with Veggie Bowls which consists of informal discussions about what makes us feel good and the challenges we face on a day-to-day basis. The hostess is the influential Vanessa Alfaro – author of the page Shape Your Body – and which has 125 thousand followers in the Instagram social network. ] The Podcast of recorded at Belas Clube de Campo, also counts on the participation of specialists in the field of nutrition and physical exercise.When you lunch one of the Veggie Bowls you can get information with nutritionists Iara Rodrigues, Ana Li, Lilian Barros and the personal trainer Nuno Neves, participants in Podcast.

    Any of the bowls is already selling in Hyper and supermarkets with the recommended price of € 3.99

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