New school meals to eliminate 50 tons of plastic – Portugal


The Lisbon City Council wants to improve the quality of school meals and at the same time reduce the ecological footprint of the municipality.

The Lisbon City Council signed a protocol with several entities to improve the quality of food in municipalities. canteens in kindergartens and the first cycle of schools under municipal jurisdiction. With this protocol, the CML hopes to significantly reduce plastic consumption.

Ricardo Robles, Lisbon City Councilor to the Department of Education and Social Action, assured the News that about 50 tons of plastic will be spared every year with the end of meals served in bowls.

The elected councilor of the Left Bloc reveals that "there is great dissatisfaction" with school meals and that the system of restoration hot, meals served in plastic bowls , is what motivates most complaints. "There are five thousand children who have this diet, which creates the greatest dissatisfaction and we want to end it," Robles told DN .

The plan was that children who eat under catering may have local confectionery "as of the first quarter of the following school year". This measure should increase the quality of food, while reducing the amount of plastic spent on student nutrition. "These five thousand meals a day generate about 50 tons of plastic a year," says the councilor, who intends to reduce the ecological footprint of the municipality

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