Nossa Senhora de Fátima Parish Commemorate the 15th Anniversary


The parish of Nossa Senhora of Fátima do Entroncamento celebrated its 15th anniversary on Tuesday with a ceremony at the parish headquarters where the city's active forces were present.

The group of the Philharmonic Association of Entroncamento played the national anthem to float the flags, with the presence of the Mayor, Jorge Faria (who interrupted the holidays to be present), and other guests.

It was followed by a visit to a new mural painted by two artists of the city, before the solemn session where President Ezequiel Estrada spoke about the activity of the parish, namely merchandising and communication with the edition of Gazeta

Mayor Jorge Faria also took the floor and refers to two works "structuring the city to be realized in the parish", such as the recovery of the Camões district and the rehabilitation of the street Eng Ferreira de Mesquita, which we discussed elsewhere

In the house that was given by a client, who wants to keep anonymity and that the Commission has recovered to be used in case of housing needs, a snack was served to all guests.

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