Number of workers receiving minimum wage increases 4.2% – Company


The number of workers covered by the national minimum wage rose to about 764,200 in March, up 4.2% from the same period last year, the Ministry of Labor said on Tuesday .

"Although the number of workers covered by the NMS increased to about 764,200 in March 2018 [com um acréscimo de 4,2% em termos homólogos] the percentage of workers covered by the NMS was 22.9% in March of this year with no change compared to the same month last year, "the ministry said in a statement.

According to the monitoring report of the agreement on guaranteed monthly minimum wage for the reference period, by age group, the incidence of NMS in young people was 30%, compared with 30.6% in March 2017.

In turn, among workers aged 25 to 29, the incidence went from 24% in March 2017 to 23.6% in March 2018, and among adults (82% of workers), there was a slight increase from 22.1% to 22.2%.

"Overall, wages declared to the Social Security experienced a nominal increase of 1.9% in March 2018," reads the document.

According to the Ministry, the analysis of "wage trajectories of workers", used between October 2016 and October 2017, shows "nominal wage increases" of the order of 4%, which increase to about 8%. % for workers who changed jobs.

Regarding the variation of wages of workers who remained in the same position during the period concerned, it increased at all levels, "with particular emphasis on the lower echelons."

"Of the order of 6% in the lower rungs, between 530 and 600 EUR, higher than 3% in the intermediate classes, from 600 to 1.800 EUR, and more moderate in the higher-paying grades, higher to 2% in the upper echelons of 1,800 euros to 2,500 euros and more than 1% to the upper echelon to 2,500 euros, "said the Ministry of Labor.

Based on the payroll of social security, the ministry headed by Vieira da Silva also revealed that employment growth continues to be over 4% of a year on the other, exceeding 10% in the youth segment.

Employment increased by 10.1% among youth under 25, 5.6% among those aged 25 to 30 and 4% among those over 30 .

"Of the 146.4 thousand jobs created in the first quarter of this year, only 36.9 thousand have a permanent pay equal to the NMS, which represents a 25.2% contribution from the NMS. employment with earnings equal to the MGER [Retribuição Mínima mensal garantida] for overall employment growth (compared to 73.9% contribution to global growth over the same period in 2017) ", he said. declared.

The Ministry of Labor on Tuesday handed over to the social partners the 9th follow-up report on the agreement on guaranteed minimum monthly remuneration for the first quarter of 2018.

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