Obesity (part 1) – São Carlos Now


Obesity (part 1) -

Obesity is the accumulation of fat in the body caused almost always by excessive consumption of calories in food, higher than the value used by the body for the maintenance and completion of daily activities. Obesity therefore occurs when the food intake is higher. than the corresponding energy expenditure.

When you eat more calories than you spend, you put on weight, what you eat and the activities you do throughout the day have an influence on the situation. Obesity is a chronic disease that is characterized mainly by an excessive accumulation of body fat.

The number of obese people has increased rapidly, making the disease a public health problem. If your family members are obese, it is more likely that you are too, the family also helps in the formation of dietary habits, daily life also makes it more difficult to plan meals and preparation of meals. Healthy foods make it easier to buy cooked meals and go out to restaurants.

There are no short-term solutions to obesity. The secret to losing weight is to eat fewer calories than you spend.

The increase in body weight is a worldwide trend. In the United States, for example, 35% of the population (97 million people have made it!) Are overweight, Brazil, although much poorer, follows the same trend, where 40% of people report in the poorest population, this number increases.

Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat and is usually associated with health problems, further compromising the condition of the individual. Obesity is a risk factor for several diseases among which include cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and osteoarthritis. Type 2 diabetes, because of the risk involved, it is good to lose weight even if you do not feel bad right now.

It's hard to change your eating habits and your physical activity. But, if you plan, you can do it.

In 2015, Brazil already had about 18 million people considered obese, 70 million people overweight, double what they were three decades ago. Recently, the Ministry of Health published a survey revealing that nearly half of the Brazilian population was overweight, 42.7% of the population in 2006, this figure rose to 48.5% in 2011. were collected in 26 Brazilian capitals and in the Federal District.

The main cause of obesity is inadequate or excessive diet. To maintain the ideal weight, there must be a balance between the amount of calories consumed and the energy spent throughout the day.

When there is a lot of food and a low energy activity, there is fat accumulation. Therefore, sedentary living is the second important factor contributing to obesity. In addition, there are genetic factors in which a person can inherit the disposition to obesity; have a slower metabolism, which facilitates the accumulation of fat and makes it difficult to lose weight or gain weight due to hormonal oscillations; there is an influence of psychological factors when the stress or frustrations provoke bouts of bulimia.

Obesity can be classified in several ways, depending on the type so classified.

Homogeneous: It is in this one that the fat deposits homogeneously, both in the upper and lower limbs than in the abdominal region.

Android: It is an apple-shaped obesity, more characteristic of men or women after menopause. In this case, there is an accumulation of fat in the abdominal and thoracic area, which increases the cardiovascular risk.

Gynécoïde: It is a pear-shaped obesity, more characteristic of women; in this case, there is accumulation of fat in the lower part of the body that focuses on the buttocks, hips and thighs. It is associated with a higher prevalence of osteoarthritis and varicose veins.

The diagnosis is made by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI), which assesses the relationship between weight and height. When the BMI is greater than 30, the person is considered obese.

The higher the index, the more likely the patient is to develop diabetes, cardiovascular and joint problems, hypertension and depression, problems directly related to a lower quality of life and reduced longevity.

Underweight: BMI less than 18.5, Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9, Obesity Grade I: BMI between 30 and 34.9, Obese Grade II: BMI between 35 and 39.9, obesity Degree III: BMI greater than 40.

Obesity does not cause signs or symptoms, but the manifestations resulting from the disease installed: fatigue, limitation of movement, excessive sweating, pain in the legs and legs. Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body and is distinguished primarily by the severity and location of this accumulation.

Besides the tight clothes and the increase of the indicator in the scale, the accumulation of fat is an indication of obesity. Sleep apnea episodes, difficulty moving, frequent tiredness and disturbances of the menstrual cycle in women are also indicators of the disease.

If you think you are obese and have weight-related health problems, talk to your doctor. In this way, you can assess your health risks and discuss your weight loss options.

Medical monitoring is also important for, for example, identifying changes that may contribute to weight gain.

The experts who can diagnose obesity are general practitioners, endocrinologists and nutritionists.

I will divide this question into two chapters, for a better understanding of the subject.

The author holds a degree in physiotherapy from the University Paulista Crefito-3/243875-f, specialist in geriatric physiotherapy of the University of São Carlos and Orthopedics.

This column is an opinion piece that does not necessarily reflect Saint-Charles Now's opinion on the subject.

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