OnePlus 5 and 5T to receive faster updates from OxygenOS


Google has deeply modified Android, preparing it to be easier to install or upgrade. This not only brings these improvements to the final version of your operating system, but also to your core, AOSP.

All companies using this open source version are now enjoying improvements and this is now visible in OxygenOS. The latest beta version of this system finally brings support for Treble

 OnePlus 5 Treble 5T Android

OnePlus test program for its Android interface has been developed and brought the news of this system in a staggered way, by testing them carefully to prepare them for the final version.

The latest version of this program has just come out and brings an important novelty to this operating system that will allow the arrival of updates in a faster. Treble support is now a reality in OxygenOS

OxygenOS Open Beta 13 releases, released for OnePlus 5 and Open Beta 11, released for OnePlus 5T, feature Treble, and accelerate the arrival of updates, separating them in layers, which can be updated independently and without dependency.

Although this is a novelty that Google puts on Android, the search giant imposes the obligation of their presence in the new equipment launched. On the other hand, models updated from previous versions are not necessarily present in Treble.

In the case of OnePlus, the arrival of Treble will be even more important as it will guarantee the arrival of security updates as the community produces it faster, direct and much smaller.

It is expected that soon more smartphone brands will adopt Treble and streamline the process of upgrading their equipment. OnePlus is taking an important step and will soon be expanding support for other models that will continue to support the brand. ) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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