"Peace is back" in PT / Altice


The Executive Chairman of Altice Portugal, Alexander Fonseca, in statements to TSF, reveals that "peace is back" to the company. Thus, workers can focus "on the success of Altice Portugal and on our growth."

"It's our goal and this goal will be more easily achieved with social peace," says Alexandre Fonseca

. With 10,000 direct workers, "Altice Portugal is today one of the country's leading employers and has created almost 2,000 jobs over the last three years." We are and will continue to be the largest employer in the world. one of the biggest employers, "says Alexander Fonseca, for whom there is an" unprecedented historic agreement "

The company's president believes that" the impact is of Order of 2.5 million euros "But I want to emphasize that this collective agreement is much more than a simple salary increase," he added.

According to Alexandre Fonseca, there will be a "totally different framework in the management of the relationship between the administration and the workers and the trade union structures themselves. same. "

" Then there are other associated situations ranging from vaca nces, depending on the presence; (19659002) As for "the increase of wages, it has an average value of 1%", but "in the case of wages (19659002) Alexander Fonseca salutes the joint efforts of the administration and the unions" in the search for stability of work "and for the realization of this collective agreement (ACT), which is retroactive to 1 July 2018 and extended to all workers – even those who are represented by trade union structures that have not yet not yet accepted the agreement.

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