Pogba gives chills to Mourinho – England


Mourinho keeps complaining about Manchester United's passivity in the transfer market and runs the risk of losing the Pogba team. Juventus are looking to surround Ronaldo with good players and put the French midfielder at the top of the list of potential reinforcements. In order not to infringe on UEFA's financial fair play, the seven-time Italian champion must, before launching in pursuit of the French, make a jackpot of 200 million euros, achievable through for the sale of Pjanic, Higuain, Rugani and Caldara. The plan of Andrea Agnelli, president of Vecchia Signora, seems perfect, as one of them is coveted by financially powerful clubs. From the city to Chelsea, passing through Milan.

The English transfer market ends on August 9 and Mourinho is increasingly dissatisfied. Be aware of the special stage speech in Miami, where tomorrow Manchester United face Real Madrid. "We are not here [a disputar a International Cup] to improve the team, we are here to try to survive and get not very ugly results". Alexis is the only striker we have right now … ", says the Portuguese, the World Cup, Lukaku, for example, made a few days after a supposedly smarter exchange with Ed Woodward, executive vice president of the red devils. , the address of Mourinho has yet another scope.The Portuguese coach does not regret that Manchester United has offered him until here only Lee Grant, Diogo Dalot and Fred., n, t, s)
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