CTT is the most requested brand on the complaints portal until mid-June. The consumer social network recorded 2,743 complaints about CTT and CTT Expresso. Orders placed through the Yanwen method, provided by the Chinese company, recorded during the period 201 claims. A year ago, this system generated 255 complaints. Meo and Social Security complete the top 3 most claimed of the period.
Of more than 2700 complaints received in the CTT Complaint Portal from the beginning of the year to June 17, 201, these are orders in which the delivery was used as a method of sending to Yanwen. Only in May, this situation accounted for 66 of the 639 complaints involving the Post Office.
"Yanwen Air Mail is an expedition method provided by the Chinese company Yanwen Logistics.Some platforms, like Aliexpress, present this method in some products as a way to send them to several countries of the world. this last point that the TCT arises.When the product ordered arrives in Portugal, CTT is responsible for distribution throughout the country, which has generated problems and complaints since the beginning of 2018 ", explains Pedro Lourenço, CEO of Portal da Queixa, quoted in a press release.
Only Yanwen's shipping methods accounted for 10% of the TST complaints. (11%), delivery delay (10%), bad service provided (10%), customs procedures (10%), money order (4%), (3%), orders damaged (2%) were the others main grounds of complaint against CTT in the last month of May.
"The registered complaints indicate that the goods were blocked at customs, others say that CTT can not indicate where the items are, not even by the tracking number assigned by the sender." However, consumers claim to know that the products arrive in Portugal because it is the last destination that appears in the tracking of the order to which they have access, "said Portal da Queixa.
On the CTT page of the complaints portal, the consumer satisfaction index is 62.8% (CTT) and 61.8% (CTT Expresso), and "out of the 4 923 complaints received in the last 12 months, only 643 were presented as resolved, "warns Portal da Queixa.
The most requested
In addition to CTT and CTT Expresso, other brands appear to be the most requested by consumers in Portal da Queixa. After the postal operator, Meo appears with 2350 complaints, followed by Social Security (1814), NOS (1520) and Vodafone (1001) complete the TOP 5, according to information provided by the complaints portal.
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